Albanian Proverbs 2

Famous Albanian sayings and proverbs.

  1. You can't catch fish on a dry line.”
  2. “You can't get there from here.”
  3. “You can't fly with one wing.”
  4. “You can't blame a dentist for looking down at the mouth.”
  5. “You cannot unscramble eggs.”
  6. “You can't be a howling success by simply howling.”
  7. “You cannot squeeze blood out of a stone.”
  8. “You cannot hunt with a tied dog.”
  9. “You cannot drive a windmill with a pair of bellows.”
  10. “You can shut the door on a thief, but you can do nothing about a liar.”
  11. “You can run into debt, but you have to crawl out.”
  12. “You can never tell what's in a package by its cover.”
  13. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.”
  14. “You can hardly keep from getting soiled if you fight with a skunk.”
  15. “You can go home when you can go nowhere else.”
  16. “You can get far with a lie, but not come back.”
  17. “You can fool an old horse once but you can't fool him twice.”
  18. “You can build a house but you must make a home.”
  19. “You can drive sixty miles a minute, but there is no future in it.
  20. “You can bear with your own faults, and why not a fault in your wife?.”
  21. “You can always tell a drunkard by his actions.”
  22. “You are never too young to die.”